Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Concept of Motherhood - Its Ideal and Practices

In his book The Ascent of Man, Henry Drummond elaborately explained how Homo sapiens took millions of years to evolve from maternity to motherhood. Finally emerged the mother - the symbol of altruism, love , and self - sacrifice. This mother appears almost divine, and she has transformed every aspect of life. Mother qualities include affection, sharing, nurturing, and loving concern and worry - for a mother is affected by the good and bad that affects her offspring. These mother qualities are common the world over, and history is replete with instances in which a mother unhesitatingly gave her life to protect her child. But humanity evolved further, so that one need not be a biological mother - nor even a female - to acquire mother qualities. In the Indian tradition these qualities are held in such high esteem that grandmothers,aunts,elder sisters, adopted mothers, etc., are always addressed as Ma. And a man who manifests such feelings in thought and action is said to have a mother's heart.
However, thanks to the biotechnological advances, these noble qualities acquired over millions of years seem to be at stake. Recent advances  regarding in vitro embryology have split the concept of motherhood in two. It is possible to have a distinction between the genetic mother- the mother whose gamete has been used and whose DNA has contributed 23 chromosomes to the newborn child-and the gestational mother, who carries and gives birth to the child. And now a third  and distinct person - the social mother-needs to be the question arises, what is the child's relationship to all these mothers??

 But Biotechnology has gone even further. A woman can now give birth to her own granddaughter using her daughter's ovaries.Or, using a cloning technique, she could give birth to a son who is her husband's identical twin brother, or to a daughter who is her own twin sister. These things may delight scientists, but they are perilous to society and its ethical values. Who will be responsible for  caring for theese children and making their lives secure? protecting a child and giving it loving care requires spontaneous self - sacrifice. Child rearing demands active love as also a commitment - a commitment to ensure the child's happy growth and to impart worthy values for the development of its personality.In science and technology, heart and love are given no importance, and the impact of this has already come to the surface almost unnoticed.

The recent rise in violence of all kinds points to modern man's apathy for the welfare of others. This can only  be addressed by drawing upon the spiritual values of motherhood that were accquired over millions of years and which the male - dominated society has foolishly neglected. The source of these precious qualities lies in the deep recess of every human heart. When in an ideal society, men and women cultivate mother qualities, then and only then can a child - however it was born - be expected to grow securely.That mother qualities can be manifested for the good of all.

To provide an enduring solution to today's problems, should we not consider seriously educating people in the ideal of motherhood before it is too late?? 

1 comment:

  1. Nice and thought provoking... A mother is the greatest miracle god ever created... Write more!

